
General config - config.lua

Config.Locale = {
    ['item'] = 'Item',
    ['weapon'] = 'Weapon',
    ['other'] = 'Other',

UI locale config - fuksus-market/web/dist/config.json

    "marketplace": "Marketplace",
    "my-listings": "My listings",
    "search": "Search",
    "type": "Type",
    "item": "Item",
    "select-item": "Select item",
    "select-item-desc": "To see availabe offers, select an item first",
    "inventory": "Inventory",
    "inventory-desc": "Your items",
    "add-listing": "Add listing",
    "add-listing-desc": "Create new listing",
    "select-to-sell": "Select an item from the inventory you want to sell",
    "unit-price": "Unit price",
    "quantity": "Quantity",
    "add-button": "Create listing",
    "your-listing": "Your listings",
    "your-listing-desc": "Your active listings",
    "price": "Price",
    "actions": "Actions",
    "market-value": "Item value in the market",
    "market-value-desc": "Min and max price for unit in the market",
    "min-price": "Lowest price",
    "max-price": "Highest price",
    "no-sales": "No sales",
    "seller": "Seller",
    "buy-button": "Buy for",
    "cancel-button": "Cancel",
    "max": "Max",
    "delete-action": "Delete",
    "all-items": "All items",
    "weapons": "Weapons",
    "items": "Items",
    "money-symbol": "$",
    "listings": "listings",
    "all-offers": "All listings for this item"

Last updated