๐Ÿ Adding houses

You can add more houses editing houses.lua file.

Houses = {
    -- House information
        doors = {
            outside = {
                 -- This is your outside door
                coords = vec3(1348.352, -547.0417, 73),
                text = Locale[Config.locale]['rob_house']
            inside = {
                -- This is your inside door
                coords = vec3(-786.8663, 315.7642, 216.5),
                text = Locale[Config.locale]['leave_house']
        -- You can add containers as much as you want
        containers = {
                -- Your stealable containers position
                coords = vec3(-788.8879, 320.5846, 217.0374),
                -- You can set custom text here
                text = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to search drawer.',
                -- Maximum items that can be generated
                maxItems = 5,
                searching = false,
                items = {}
        -- All the items that could be found in house
        -- The higher the rarity the more often the item will be generated
        houseItems = {
            -- Item name, minimum and maximum values of the item.
            {name = 'phone', min = 1, max = 2, metadata = {}, rarity = 10},
            {name = 'water', min = 1, max = 2, metadata = {}, rarity = 2}
        -- Time till the alarm triggers in seconds
        robTime = 3000,

Make sure the rarity doesn't go above 10 or else the server might hitch when generating new items to be found !

Last updated